Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SA Forums RSS Feeds

Thanks to code from Marco.org, we have feeds for several Something Awful Forums. (Updated November 29, 2011)


Foghorn said...

Requesting TFR and RSF?

Shonzi said...

If this is something that can be transferred to any of the subforums, I'd love to see it done for BSS

Unknown said...

AI Please. this is great!

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing this? Is making a new feed easy to learn? That way we can help out and create feed for everything!

Or just add dorkroom =D

Jeff said...

I'd like to see one for the LP forum, I always miss the new threads I'd like to read and it'd help.

Unknown said...

Is it OK if I check the SA-Mart RSS feed often for keywords with a script? If you open sourced this I could run it locally and not use bandwidth.

Todd said...

Finally getting back to these. I've added the requested feeds.

injate, bandwidth isn't really a concern as long as it's not crazy.

brizna said...


brizna said...

Forgot to add: The Comedy Goldmine of course!

Rabid Barkley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CO2 said...

For some reason, my rss reader website has started changing the URLs. For instance from the Letsplay RSS, I now have a link to ' http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3688694 '. That amp makes the link not work. I can see it should be '?s=&threadid='. Perhaps related to the forums being updated?

Could you do some magic to make it work again, like remove that s=& bit? Thanks.

Todd said...

@CO2 Your reader isn't changing the links. That's how they are in the feed, and they work fine for me on both Feedly and Inoreader. I took out the "s=?" anyway since it's extraneous.